[LISTEN] Javi Jimenez – “Growing Up Can Feel So Lonely”

We didn’t have to wait very long for new music from Javi Jimenez. After releasing the dreamy “Someone” in late September, the Costa Rica-based singer has dropped another new track, “Growing Up Can Feel So Lonely,” and it’s definitely a keeper!

A guitar-fueled ode to existential crisis, “Growing Up Can Feel So Lonely” puts heartbreak and love songs aside to delve into the pains of getting older and losing people along the way. Set to an eighties meets modern day indie-pop soundtrack, you’ll be reaching for the tissues in no time as you reminisce on those you’ve disconnected from. Someone call Paul Jason Klein to let this guy open up on the next LANY tour, please!

“I wrote and rewrote ‘Growing Up Can Feel So Lonely’ about four times. I kept coming up with lyrics and ideas that sounded too dark for me at the time. I remember thinking ‘I have to make something a bit more relatable or upbeat for this song to be successful’. Eventually I decided it was ok. I let myself write the song that I needed to hear myself, the song that I couldn’t find anywhere else. It’s scary realizing how completely alone you are. When we are kids we are cared for, we have tons of friends and socialize on a daily basis with just about anyone who will listen. But as we grow up we realize some friends know us better than others. We realize our parents aren’t perfect and maybe our morals and ideals are very different from our family’s. Some friends drift away, some leave without a trace, some relationships end, some people die…And ultimately we are alone dealing with ourselves, and that is something nobody warns you about. I wish somebody had told me how lonely it can feel. Even though this song doesn’t explicitly state a happy ending or a ‘moral of the story,’ I feel like the idea that we can all relate to this loneliness, ironically, makes the loneliness a bit less lonely (if that makes any sense at all lol). We’re all human.”

Listen to “Growing Up Can Feel So Lonely” below:

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