[LISTEN] Hover Bored – “Safe Side”

Although not sure to what extent Hover Bored references their name to a certain Marty McFly’s epic hoverboard adventure but let’s stick to this pleasing idea as we discover new tunes.

The brand new single of the Manchester-based grunge quartet, “Safe Side,” is an explosive first introduction for us that see the band experiment with new musical directions. The mellow indie line of earlier releases now turned into a heavier sound that resembles SWMRS but on a slightly darker path. It definitely works in favor of a young band as an ever evolving entity, while the song’s high energies are like an instant adrenaline rush to the listener.

Recorded by Sugar House (producers for the likes of Pale Waves and Larkins), “Safe Side” is a much-appreciated self-release you should not sleep on.

Listen to “Safe Side” below:

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Dóra Udvardi

Writer. Photographer. Admirer of Arts.

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