[Daily Discovery] Kadija Kamara

Not only as part of Women’s History Month, but for the sake of supporting talented up-and-coming artists, today’s Daily Discovery puts Kadija Kamara into the spotlight!

The London-based singer-songwriter is easily recognizable with her signature alt-soul sound and extensive vocal range. It is a mix of 60s/70s-inspired analogue style recordings and modern day rock and soul. Her latest Nothing Left To Lose EP feeds off of these influences, providing the perfect, captivating introduction to a versatile musician.

The title song, along with “Running In The Name of the Gameshowcases heavier rhythm and catchy riffs, while “Eyes on You” could easily become a favorite to lovers of a more electronic vibe. “Like You” is a lovely piano and violin driven ballad that could easily be part of any retro movie if it wasn’t for the twist of an undeniably catchy pop chorus.

Music might be the talent Kadija Kamara is primarily known for, but she also recently put together an event called LADY Festival Live for showcasing leading female musicians in the underground and commercial music scenes via her LADY Live Events organization. Pretty impressive!

Listen to the Nothing Left To Lose EP below:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/443987469″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Photo by Garry Carbon.

Dóra Udvardi

Writer. Photographer. Admirer of Arts.

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